Peer Helpers Official Page
Peer Helpers Updates
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
About Our Club
Children are more likely to discuss their problems with their peers
rather than an adult. Peer Helpers are students who are trained to
recognize when their peers may have a problem, listen to fellow
students confidentially and assist them with emotional, societal, or
academic struggles. Peer helpers are carefully selected by the Peer Helpers Coordinator, the School Counselor, Miss Michelle Best.
These students learn a set of skills – attending, empathizing,
summarizing, questioning, genuineness, assertiveness, confrontation,
problem-solving, conflict resolution and confidentiality – that assist
them in meeting the needs of their fellow students. Peer helpers are
trained to keep the issues other students share with them in strict
confidence. However, if a student threatens to harm him or herself,
exhibits psychotic behavior, or reports abuse, the Peer Helper must
involve their coordinator, teacher or administrator immediately.
Executive Members
President Kaydia Albert
Vice-President Sage Charles
Secretary Skylee Pelage
Treasurer Alleysa Edmay
P.R.O Jadea Estava